The contents of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management have been integral aspects of Pharmacy training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, but it was not until 1999 that these contents were isolated and drafted into an independent department at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Nigeria Nsukka. The creation of the department became inevitable as the primary focus of Pharmacy training worldwide shifted to the production of clinically-oriented Pharmacists to cope with the new and emerging roles of Pharmacists in all sectors: hospital, community, administration, etc. The department had four (4) as the inaugural academic members of staff. At present, there are thirteen lecturers who are supported by administrative and technical staff.
Since inception, the department has been led by a number of capable members of staff. The pioneer (acting) head of the department was Prof. (Mrs.) Chinwe V. Ukwe who served from 1999 to 2007 and 2009 to 2012. She was succeeded by Prof. J. M. Okonta (2007 to 2009 and 2012 to 2015), Dr. M. O. Adibe (2015 to 2016), then Dr. C. M. Ubaka (2017 to 2018). The present head of department is Dr. M. O. Adibe (2018 to date).
The introduction of Clinical Pharmacy education and practice has expanded the roles of Pharmacy in the modern health care delivery system worldwide. This has resulted in an evolving paradigm shift to a more expanded and team based clinical role of providing patient-centered medication therapy management, health improvement and disease prevention services. Clinical Pharmacy seeks to improve public health through ensuring safe, effective and appropriate use of medications. The focus will be on original research in various areas of drug therapy that will contribute to new knowledge in patient care. It also seeks to produce highly skilled and competent Pharmacists with in-depth knowledge of clinical research in health care delivery systems, pharmaceutical institutions and research centres.
Excellence, Integrity, Oneness
One of the main objectives of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management is to train, in collaboration with other departments in the Faculty, students at the undergraduate level to become Pharmacists that can compete with their peers from other institutions in Nigeria and abroad. At the postgraduate level, the objectives of this department are to produce clinical Pharmacists who are able to:
a) Serve as academic clinical pharmacy staff;
b) Design, develop, implement and monitor therapeutic plan that will produce specific therapeutic outcome;
c) Apply bioavailability and pharmacokinetic principles in patient monitoring;
d) Assess and treat self-limiting diseases including handling cases of accidental poisoning;
e) Evaluate adequate publications in the literature to provide appropriate drug information services;
f) Function as Directors of Pharmaceutical services in health facilities;
g) Conduct clinical research including clinical trials, clinical protocols and pharmacoeconomic evaluations;
h) Meet the ever-increasing challenges of professional practice in a rapidly changing environment.